Updated Privacy Policy for the Enola Application:

1. Introduction:
This policy details the scope and handling of personal information of users of the Enola application. The application serves as a platform for managing and supporting families in crisis. The platform components are an application and a dashboard. The application is intended for use by family companions who support the family and work together with them to support families in times of crisis. In the application, tasks are entered, and supporters are added from the family's close circles. Approval and addition of supporters can only be done by a family companion. The dashboard is a tool that allows viewing the status of the families. The dashboard is accessible to community coordinators, charity managers, and organization managers. As of today, downloading the application is only possible through the dashboard by entering the phone number of the family companion. Therefore, a request to open a family account and access to the application constitutes consent that the information is stored in a third-party database which granted the access approval.

2. Data Collection:
Enola allows its users to enter personal and family information to tailor their support for families in crisis. Each family companion declares that they have received permission from those who come to assist them, to organize and manage information about them and to create organic support circles to assist them.

3. Use of Information:
Personal information is collected by Enola to tailor the use of the application and support for families in crisis. Also, social and medical organizations that have access to the dashboard of the application are authorized to use information about families to optimally provide services.

4. Information Sharing:
The personal information is intended for sharing, by support circles chosen by the family companion as supporters and additional companions, thus enabling the sharing of tasks and needs of the family with the people close to them. There is also a general sharing button, where people register to assist a specific family. Approval of new users is the responsibility of the family companion.

5. Privacy Protection:
Enola is committed to protecting user privacy and not sharing information with a third party, except a third party that provides access to the system.

6. Information Security:
User information is protected using advanced technologies to ensure its security.

7. User Rights:
Users can request access, correction, or deletion of personal information, through the personal profile button in the application.

8. Policy Changes:
Enola reserves the right to change the privacy policy as necessary. In the event of a privacy policy update, a pop-up will appear for users.

9. Third Party:
Information may be disclosed to external parties in case of explicit permission, or in cases where family companions were added to the application through such a party, for example, a charity or municipality that adds families, will be exposed to information.

10. No Medical Liability:
The application does not provide medical advice and does not replace medical professionals.

11. No Legal Liability:
Enola cannot be sued in case of damages or harm from using the application, based on loss of information, damage caused by exposure of personal information, misuse of the application, or a volunteer or supporter who harms the family.

12. Terms of Use:
Users are required to agree to the terms of use of the application in order to use it.

13. Cookies:
Enola uses cookies to improve data collection and enrich the service.

14. Customer Service Contact:
For any questions or requests, you can contact Enola's email address: support@enolaapp.com.

15. Policy Links:
This policy will be linked to additional documents and relevant terms.